A close-up image of a She's Birdie product with the company's logo visible. The product is a personal safety alarm designed for women. It is a small, sleek device in a pastel color with a button on the front. The device is shown against a neutral background.

She’s Birdie Reviews – Is it Worth Trusting? | 10 Points


She's Birdie Safety Alarm Purple

           In today’s world, personal safety is a significant concern for women. With the rise of crime rates and the vulnerability of women in certain situations, it’s essential to have a reliable and effective self-defense tool. Birdie is one such tool that has gained popularity in recent years. Birdie is a safety alarm keychain designed for women’s safety. It emits a loud 130-decibel alarm that can be heard from a distance, and it is activated by pulling out a pin.

           The device is small, discreet, and easy to carry, making it a popular choice for women who want to feel more secure when traveling alone or walking home at night. But is She’s Birdie worth trusting? That’s the question that this review will answer. We’ll examine the device’s features, its pros and cons, and what users have to say about it. By the end of this review, you’ll have a better understanding of whether keychain is the right self-defense tool for you.

How To Use She's Birdie

          She’s Birdie is a personal safety alarm designed to provide security and peace of mind, especially for women. Here’s how you can use She’s Birdie:

  1. Activation: To activate She’s Birdie, pull out the safety pin located at the top of the device. This will trigger a loud alarm sound.

  2. Alarm sound: The alarm produces a piercing, attention-grabbing sound that can reach up to 130 decibels. This loud noise can help deter potential attackers and draw attention to your situation.

  3. Carrying options: She’s Birdie comes with a keychain attachment, allowing you to attach it to your keys, purse, or backpack. It can also be carried in your hand or pocket for easy access.

  4. Emergency button: In addition to the alarm, She’s Birdie has a built-in emergency button that, when pressed, sends a distress message to your emergency contacts via the connected mobile app. Make sure to set up the app and add your emergency contacts beforehand.

  5. Testing and maintenance: It’s important to periodically test the device to ensure it’s in proper working condition. Replace the batteries as needed and keep the safety pin securely in place when not in use.

What is She's Birdie

          She’s Birdie is a safety alarm keychain designed for women’s safety. It is a compact, discreet, and easy-to-use device that can be carried on a keychain or in a purse. The device emits a loud 130-decibel alarm that can be heard from a distance, and it is activated by pulling out a pin.One of the unique features of that it comes with a built-in LED light. This can be useful in low-light situations, making it easier to see and find things.The device also has a free app that can be downloaded to your smartphone, which allows you to alert emergency contacts in case of an emergency.

           It also has a GPS feature that can help track your location in real time, which can be useful if you are lost or in danger.She’s Birdie is designed to be easy to use and is a convenient way to call for help in case of an emergency.It is an ideal option for women who want a discreet and effective self-defense tool that can be carried with them at all times. The device is also affordable, making it accessible to women of all budgets.


Features Of She's Birdie

          She’s Birdie is a safety alarm keychain designed to provide women with an easy and effective way to call for help in case of an emergency. The device has several unique features that make it stand out from other safety alarm keychains on the market. Here are some of the key features of Keychain: 
  • Loud Alarm: She’s Birdies emits a loud 130-decibel alarm that can be heard from a distance, making it an effective way to deter attackers and attract the attention of those nearby. 
  • LED Light: This also comes with a built-in LED light that can be useful in low-light situations. The light can be turned on with the press of a button and can help you see and find things in the dark. 
  • Free App: It has a free app that can be downloaded to your smartphone. The app allows you to alert emergency contacts in case of an emergency, and it also has a GPS feature that can help track your location in real-time. 
  • Easy to Use: Designed to be easy to use, even in stressful situations. The device is activated by pulling out a pin, which can be done with one hand, making it a convenient option in case of an emergency. 
  • Discreet Design:  Small and compact, making it easy to carry on a keychain or in a purse. The device looks like a regular keychain, which means that it won’t draw attention to itself and can be discreetly used in case of an emergency.

Pros & Cons Of She's Birdie

Here are some pros and cons of She’s Birdie: 
  • Pros: 
  1. Loud alarm: She’s Birdie emits a loud 130-decibel alarm that can attract attention and deter potential attackers. 
  2. LED light:  Also comes with a built-in LED light, making it easier to find things in low-light situations. 
  3. Free app: It has a free app that allows you to alert emergency contacts and share your location in real-time. 
  4. Easy to use:  Is simple to operate, even in stressful situations, and can be activated with one hand. 
  5. Compact and discreet: Small and lightweight, making it easy to carry on a keychain or in a purse without drawing attention to itself. 
  • Cons: 
  1. Limited range: The loud alarm of She’s Birdie may not be heard over long distances, so it may not be as effective in remote or noisy areas. 
  2. Limited battery life: The battery life of  may be limited, so it’s essential to keep it charged regularly. 
  3. False alarms: Accidentally triggering the alarm may cause unnecessary panic and inconvenience to yourself or others.
  4. Limited effectiveness against physical threats: While the loud alarm of She’s Birdies can be effective in deterring potential attackers, it may not be effective against physical threats. Dependence on a smartphone: The use of keychain free app requires access to a smartphone and a stable internet connection, which may not be available in all situations.

She's Birdie vs Hootie

          She’s Birdie and Hootie are both popular safety alarm keychains designed to provide women with an easy and effective way to call for help in case of an emergency. While they share some similarities, there are also some differences between the two devices. 
          One of the main differences between keychain and Hootie is their design. It has a compact and discreet design, making it easy to carry on a keychain or in a purse without drawing attention to itself. Hootie, on the other hand, has a more noticeable and bulky design, which can be an advantage in situations where you want to deter potential attackers.
          Another difference between the two devices is their alarm sound. She’s Birdies emits a loud 130-decibel alarm that can be heard from a distance, while Hootie emits a 110-decibel alarm that may not be as effective in noisy or remote areas. In terms of additional features, Keychain has a built-in LED light and a free app that allows you to alert emergency contacts and share your location in real-time. Hootie, on the other hand, does not have these additional features.

Is She's Birdie Legit

           She’s Birdies is a legitimate and reputable safety alarm keychain that has gained popularity in recent years. The device is designed to provide women with an easy and effective way to call for help in case of an emergency, and it has received positive reviews from many users. 
          One of the factors that contribute to She’s Birdie’s legitimacy is its use of high-quality materials and technology. The device is made from durable materials and is designed to withstand wear and tear. The alarm sound is also loud and effective, making it an ideal option for deterring potential attackers and attracting the attention of those nearby.
            In addition, This keychain has received positive reviews from many users who have used the device in real-life situations. Many women have reported feeling safer and more secure with She’s Birdie on their keychain, and the device has been credited with helping to prevent potential attacks. 
           Furthermore, She’s Birdies has a strong online presence, with a dedicated website, social media accounts, and positive reviews on various e-commerce platforms. This indicates that the company behind the device is legitimate and committed to providing women with a reliable and effective safety tool.

How Does She's Birdie Work

          She’s Birdies works by emitting a loud 130-decibel alarm when the pin is pulled out, which can be heard from a distance and is designed to deter attackers and attract the attention of those nearby.

Here’s how She’s Birdies works in more detail:

  • Pull out the pin: The She’s Birdies alarm is activated by pulling out the pin located on the side of the device. This can be done with one hand, making it a convenient option in case of an emergency.
  • Loud alarm sound: Once the pin is pulled out, She’s Birdie emits a loud 130-decibel alarm sound. This can help deter an attacker and alert those around you.
  • Turn off the alarm: To turn off the alarm, simply reinsert the pin into the device. The alarm will stop immediately. In addition to its loud alarm sound, She’s Birdie also has a built-in LED light that can be useful in low-light situations. The device also has a free app that can be downloaded to your smartphone, which allows you to alert emergency contacts in case of an emergency and share your location in real-time. The app also has a GPS feature that can help track your location.
             To Know More, CLICK HERE

Where Is She's Birdie Located

           She’s Birdies is  manufactured and distributed by a US-based company called She’s Birdie Inc. The company is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, but it also has a presence online and ships its products to customers worldwide. She’s Birdies Inc. is a relatively new company, founded in 2018, but it has quickly gained popularity among women looking for an easy and effective way to call for help in case of an emergency.

           The company is committed to providing high-quality products and excellent customer service, which has helped to build a loyal customer base. In addition to selling its products online through its official website, She’s Birdie also sells its products through various e-commerce platforms, including Amazon, where it has received positive reviews from many customers. The company has also been featured in several media outlets, including Forbes, Business Insider, and ABC News, among others.

How Loud Is She's Birdie

           She’s Birdies is a safety alarm keychain designed for women’s safety that emits a loud alarm sound when activated. The device is known for its high-decibel sound, which is designed to attract the attention of those nearby and deter potential attackers. Here’s how loud She’s Birdie is in more detail: The keychain alarm emits a loud 130-decibel sound when activated. This is comparable to the sound of a jet engine at takeoff or a gunshot from close range.
          The sound level is well above the typical noise level of a busy city street or a crowded public place, which is around 70-80 decibels. At 130 decibels, the She’s Birdie alarm is designed to be ear-piercing and attention-grabbing. The high-decibel sound can also disorient an attacker or give the user valuable time to escape from a dangerous situation. It’s important to note, however, that the sound level may not be effective in all situations, such as in noisy or remote areas, where the sound may be less audible.

What Does She's Birdie Sound Like

           She’s Birdies is a safety alarm keychain designed to provide women with an easy and effective way to call for help in case of an emergency. When activated, the device emits a loud 130-decibel alarm sound, which is designed to attract the attention of those nearby and deter potential attackers. 
           The sound of She’s Birdies is loud and attention-grabbing, designed to be ear-piercing and disorienting. It is a sharp, high-pitched sound that can be heard from a distance, and it is intended to sound like a bird screeching. This is where the device gets its name, “She’s Birdie.”
          The sound of keychain is similar to other personal alarms and emergency sirens, but it has a unique pitch and tone that makes it stand out. The sound is designed to be unmistakable, so that those nearby can quickly recognize it as a distress signal and take action to help. 
         It’s important to note that the sound of Birdies may be startling or uncomfortable for some people, so it’s essential to use the device responsibly and only in cases of emergency. The loud alarm sound can also be heard by others nearby, so it’s important to take precautions to prevent accidental activation or false alarms.

She's Birdie Battery

          She’s Birdies is a safety alarm keychain designed to provide women with an easy and effective way to call for help in case of an emergency. The device runs on a replaceable 1.5V LR44 battery, which is commonly used in small electronic devices. 
          The battery life of She’s Birdie may vary depending on usage and other factors, but it is typically rated for several months to a year of use. It’s important to keep the battery charged and replace it as needed to ensure that the device is always ready to use in case of an emergency.
          Replacing the battery in this keychain is a simple process that can be done by unscrewing the back cover of the device and removing the old battery. The new battery can then be inserted and the cover screwed back on. 
          It’s important to note that the battery in it not rechargeable, so it must be replaced when it runs out of power. It’s also essential to use the correct type of battery to ensure that the device operates as intended and to prevent damage or malfunction.

She's Birdie Customer Service

           She’s Birdies is a safety alarm keychain designed to provide women with an easy and effective way to call for help in case of an emergency. The company behind Birdie is committed to providing high-quality products and excellent customer service. 
           Customers can contact She’s Birdie’s customer service team through various channels, including email, phone, and social media. The company also has a dedicated FAQ section on its website, which provides answers to common questions and troubleshooting tips.
            Customer service team is known for being responsive and helpful, and many customers have reported positive experiences when interacting with them. The company is committed to resolving any issues or concerns that customers may have promptly and effectively. 
           In addition, This keychain offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on its products, which allows customers to return the device for a full refund if they are not satisfied with their purchase.


          In conclusion, She’s Birdie is a safety alarm keychain designed to provide women with an easy and effective way to call for help in case of an emergency. The device emits a loud 130-decibel alarm when activated, which is designed to deter potential attackers and attract the attention of those nearby. 

         It also has a built-in LED light and a free app that allows you to alert emergency contacts and share your location in real-time. It  has several advantages, including its compact and discreet design, loud alarm sound, and additional features. However, it also has some limitations, such as its limited range and battery life.

        Overall, This is a legitimate and reputable safety alarm keychain that has gained popularity among women looking for an added layer of protection in case of an emergency. The company behind the device, She’s Birdies Inc., is committed to providing high-quality products and excellent customer service. 

       While it may not be the perfect solution for every situation,  worth considering for women who want an easy and effective way to call for help and feel safer in potentially dangerous situations.

To Buy This Safety Alarm For Women, CLICK HERE or HERE

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She’s Birdie is a personal safety alarm designed to help protect and empower individuals.

She’s Birdie is activated by pulling a pin, which emits a loud alarm sound and sends a distress message to pre-selected emergency contacts.

Yes, She’s Birdie is small, lightweight, and can be easily attached to keychains, bags, or clothing.

Yes, She’s Birdie is designed for people of all ages and genders who want an extra layer of personal safety.,l

Yes, She’s Birdie has a rechargeable battery that can be charged using the included USB cable.

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