What is kabaddi


what is kabaddi

            Two teams of seven players compete in the Indian contact team sport known as kabaddi, frequently abbreviated as kaudi. One offensive player, referred to as a “raider,” has thirty seconds or fewer to run into the other team’s half of the court, touch out as many players as they can, and then return to their own half of the court without being tackled by the opposition. When the raider is stopped, the other team earns a point, and each player the raider tags wins points. A player is eliminated from the game and is not allowed to return until their team earns a point if they are touched or tackled.

            It is popular throughout the Indian subcontinent and the nearby Asian countries. Although kabaddi is mentioned in ancient Indian chronicles, the sport did not become popular as a spectator activity until the 20th century.

            It is Bangladesh’s national sport. It is the national sport of the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu.

            There are two main types of play: “Punjabi kabaddi,” also known as “circle styles,” includes traditional games played on an outdoor circular field, and “standard style,” which is played indoors on a rectangular court, is used in top professional leagues and international events like the Asian Games.

            Many names for this game exist throughout the Indian subcontinent: hu-tu-tu in Western India, ha-do-do in Eastern India, chadakudu in South India, kapardi in Nepal, kabaddi or sadugudu in Tamil Nadu, kabaddi in Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Kerala, kabaddi, komonti, or ha-du-du in West Bengal and Bangladesh, baibalaa in the Maldives, kauddi or kabaddi in the Punjab region, hu-tu-tu in Western India, ha-do-do in Eastern India, and kabaddi or chedugudu in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.


           According to certain sources, Gautama Buddha enjoyed playing the game.Another account of the history of this sport is that it was invented in Tamil Nadu more than 4,000 years ago.Additionally, there are claims that kabaddi was played in Iran 2,000 years ago.

           The Yadava people were rumored to have enjoyed the game. According to an Abhang by Tukaram, Lord Krishna used to play the game when he was younger.

           The modern form of “kabaddi” is a hybrid of several regional variants that are played across the Indian subcontinent.India is credited with contributing to the popularization of kabaddi as a competitive sport; the first organized competitions took place in the 1920s, it was added to the Indian Olympic Games schedule in 1938, the All-India Kabaddi Federation was established in 1950, and it was used as a demonstration sport at the first Asian Games in 1951 in New Delhi.

           The sport, which was formerly limited to rural regions, was able to receive formal international competition sanction because to these developments. After making a reappearance in the 1982 Asian Games in Delhi, Kabaddi was brought back to the Asian Games calendar in 1990.

Standard style

            In the global team variation of kabaddi, two groups of seven players each take up opposing sides of a court of 10 by 13 meters (33 feet by 43 feet) for men and 8 by 12 meters (26 feet by 39 feet) for women.Five additional players are kept in reserve for possible substitutions for each.The game consists of two 20-minute halves separated by a 5-minute halftime interval during which the teams switch sides.

            A player from the attacking team, known as the “raider,” sprints into the other team’s side of the court during each play, referred to as a “raid,” and tries to tag as many of the seven defensive players as they can.

            In order to return to their side of the field without being tackled, the raider must cross the baulk line into the defending team’s area.In order to earn points, an attacker does not need to cross the baulk line; if they contact a defender before doing so, they are free to go back to their half of the court.) The raider must shout kabaddi aloud while raiding to signal the referees that they are conducting their raid without breathing in.

            There is a 30-second time limit for each raid A bonus point is awarded to the raider when they cross the bonus line that is drawn in the territory of the opposing team when there are five or more players.

A point is given for each defense that is tagged (a raider may tag with their foot or hand). When there are five or more players, the opposing side scores a point if the raider is successfully stopped (tackled) if they pass the bonus line set in the defensive team’s territory. Every player who is tagged is eliminated from the game, but one is “revived” for every point the other team earns from a tag or tackle that follows. Players do not come back from bonus points. Players are eliminated if they cross the border. An “empty raid” is a raid in which the raider does not score any points.

             In contrast, a play is described to as a “super raid” if the raider gets three points or more. A side receives two extra points and the players are let back into the game if they manage to take out all seven of the opposition’s players at once (also known as a “All Out”).

Circle style

           The amateur federation recognises four main types of Indian kabaddi.In Sanjeevani Kabaddi, one player from the opposing team is resurrected against one player who is out. Between each half, there is a five-minute break throughout the forty-minute game. Each team consists of seven players, and the team that outscores the opposition’s players earns four extra points.

           Seven people play on each side in the Gaminee style, and a player who is thrown out must stay out until every member of his team is out. A point is awarded to the team that successfully outscores every member of the opposition’s team. The game has no set end time and goes on until five or seven of these points are obtained.

           In terms of the time limit regulation, the Amar style is similar to the Sanjeevani form; however, a player who is ruled out remains on the court during play. A team scores one point for each opponent player that is touched “out”. One version is Punjabi kabaddi, which is played on a 22-meter-diameter circular pitch.

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